Friday, July 4, 2008

sungkai: trolak country resort

i dont remember when was the last time i participated in the team building activities (exception for Minggu Orientasi in my previous study places, 2 kali je beb sebab gua second intake time teknik dulu!). so bila company gua announce yang depa nak buat team building, gua tertanya-tanya jugak..adakah sama macam tim study punya minggu orientasi? so june 19th, teka teki tu terjawab dan the whole materialise software were put on a day out at trolak country resort which is located in sungkai, perak. it took us almost one and half hour to reach the place. and the first activity to do when we're arrived is listening to some pep talk by our facilitator (common!). and this is my team for that day and we rock! our team leader is the guy is red shirt, harley or soup! haha!

one of the thing we need to do during the pep talk session is to stack all eleven nails on one nails without the use of any external device other that what was given. sound impossible but here is the result!

the next activity was, the so-called astonishing race. and it was really fun. i even get the chance to try on flying fox! the weather was extremely hot but that doesnt stop us from having so much fun.

the guides there were also very sporting. some team were even allowed to try the flying fox twice! haha!
and during the race, one of the tasks also required us to make our own raft out of bamboos! the making process was not as difficult as the rowing part! gua try tak sampai 5 minit je, rasa cam nak patah tangan beb!
lepas buat rakit, naik rakit, kayuh rakit, bukak balik rakit...perut mesti di isi. walaupun lunch punya lauk memang serba sederhana, dek sebab lapar dan penat semuanya dibalun secara bersahaja.
ha, obstacles punya task memang macam cilake payah. payah nak balance satu hal la kan. apa cerita 11 orang dok control balancing atas papan sekeping kan? pastu nak control gelak lagi. the hardest part was when pakcik guide tu suruh we ols beratur 5 belah kiri, 5 belah kanan atas papan balancing tu pastu tukar position!

obstacles yang ada air ni lagi satu hal. mula-mula, buat two by two. pastu buat style lima belah kiri, lima belah kann pstu tukar. lagi cam sial. kalau spiderman, gua rasa kacang je.

tapi apapun, 2 kali gua jadi gimnast time tu. heheh! and for our team, takde sapa pun yang jatuh dalam air, okeh!
after some other indoor stuff, team building pun selesai. tired but still, we're having a good time. it really shows and i hope materialise will provide this kind of activity regularly! yeay!

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