Saturday, May 24, 2008


this blog meant to record all related stuff regarding to the place where i've been. traveling is always one of the thing that i like to do and it felt nice to read some old travelogue once in a while. and since i don't own any good camera, this is the only way i can documented all the memories. so welcome!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

melaka: an escapade

on one fine morning i suddenly felt like fleeing out of klang valley and seremban. but where is the nearest sanctuary where i can rest my eyes and body and soul for a while? melaka? absolutely that's the nearest place that i knew. i checked few resorts on the internet which might have some good offer valuable for my money. and i found one...

the resorts consists of small traditional wooden chalets complete with verandah. the room smell so nice with aroma from bunga rampai.

the environment is also very scenic with coconut trees and all it makes you forgot you're in melaka and keep in mind that the beach scenery is never nice in melaka!

imagine sitting on this cahir one one windy evening having your tea and watching the greeneries?

or swinging freely on hammock tied in between tall coconut trees on one lovely evening?An evening thats not too hot... terbaik!

the chalet window complete with wooden panel. dont worry, diowang kasi siap-siap ubat nyamuk elektik jangan risau pasal nyamuk hokeh?

and imagine how it feel when you could spent the morning after breakfast, reading some good book under a deserted patio by the seaside? with the morning breeze from the ocean blowing softly and accompanied by the tunes after tunes of Once OST. i spent my morning until almost twelve reading white teeth unde this patio with wide ocean view.

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