Tuesday, March 31, 2009

london: amazing weekend trip - day 2

second day started slow. we only woke up at 9 am and immediately have shower and packed our stuff. we have to get out as soon as possible since there are few places on our list need to be visited. all along the road from our hostel to the station, there were hell lot of souvenir shops there and yeah, we got crazy at baywaters.  and, who can say no to some english breakfast? dont ask me what i have.

english breakfast tea

where to babe?

the escalator that bring you deeper underground

after some breakfast, we drag our feet to queensway station and bought another travelcard. we knew that we wont be travelling around so much since we have so limited time but who cares. the stairs that leading down to the platform was so steep. usually they have this kind of escalator but probably it was only small station so they only have elavator or stairs. and we stupidly choose to use the staircase. the first spot on our list was buckingham palace. yeah i know. typical eh? but hell care! we went for a walk at the park nearby the palace, enjoying the greeneries and the sunshine. killing times for sure. and the next thing we knew was we went rushing off to the tube station to get something for our friend somewhere in arsenal. and rushing back to st pancreas for our 4pm train and spending all our coins buying chocolates, water and magazines. we reached brussels at 7 and felt like want to tear off our feet and walk with our hands. by the way, i left you with some photos for you to envy with owkayyy! :)

the signs

memorials for those who died in the countries listed?

i totally dont know how to be photogenic, am i?

the trees without me? yeah...

the famous palace?

we missed this ceremony. but who cares, we have whole morning yesterday to watch some horse arses at whitehall

i am tired and i want to go home!



At April 27, 2009 at 12:00 AM , Blogger Prof. Era Pasca said...

syok pi london? hehe
di minta jemput membincangkan konsep 1MALAYSIA gagasan Najib... link:


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